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Protected species

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Pressure on nature resources and a growing concern on declining biodiversity have increased the focus of engaged species in our environment. In Europe this is exemplified with the European Red List of Threatened Species  (

EU has addressed these challenges in the Habitat Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC). Annex II and IV in the Directive identifies a number of species who are subject to special protection in relation to the Directive. Knowledge of occurrence and geographical distribution of these species are thus of very important value.

Eurofins offers species-specific and validated eDNA analysis for most of the aquatic species in the Habitat Directive. Please see list below.   

Analysis for species not included in the list might be possible. Please contact the Laboratory for additional information.

Protected species list of eDNA assays

Using advanced genetic analyses, we provide insights into the portected species populations in your selected watercourses.

Latin name

English name

Danish name

Norwegian name

Finnish name

Swedish name

Bombina bombina European fire-bellied frog Klokkefrø Klokkefrosk Kellosammakko Klockgroda
Bufo calamita Natterjack Strandtudse Strandpadde Haisukonna Strandpadda
Bufo viridis Green toad Grønbroget tudse Grønnflekket padde Viherkonna Grönfäckig padda
Cobitis taenia Spined Loach  Pigsmerling Sandsmett Rantanuoliainen Nissöga
Dytiscus latissimus Broadest Diver Bred vandkalv Bred vannkalv Jättisukeltaja Bredkantad dykare
Emys orbicularis European Pond Turtle Europæisk sumpskildpadde Europeisk sumpskilpadde Euroopansuokilpikonna Kärrsköldpadda
Graphoderus bilineatus Water Beetle Lys skivevandkalv Vannkalv Isolampisukeltaja Bred paljettdykare
Hyla arborea Common tree frog Løvfrø Løvfrosk Euroopanlehtisammakko Lövgroda
Margaritifera margaritifera Freshwater Pearl Mussel Flodperlemusling Elveperlemusling Jokihelmisimpukka Flodpärlmussla
Misgurnus fossilis European Weatherfish  Dyndsmerling Dynnsmerling Mutakala Slampiskare
Pelobates fuscus Common spadefoot Løgfrø Løkfrosk Kaivajasammakko Lökgroda
Rana arvalis Moor frog Spidssnudet frø Spissnutefrosk Viitasammakko Åkergroda
Rana dalmatina Agile frog Springfrø Springfrosk Hyppysammakko Långbensgroda
Triturus cristatus Great crested newt Stor vandsalamander Storsalamander Rupimanteri Större vattensalamander